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Thanks for your interest in becoming a member!  

Your membership, and the financial support it creates, is critical to keep Fraternal Societies active in our communities! 

If you pay your membership dues directly or are reimbursed by your company, please proceed below.

If your Society pays your dues, please contact the NAFIC Office and we will work with your home office directly. 

Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

* These Benefits may not be available to members who reside in Canada.  **Awards are available to agents who belong to Societies that participate in the award program or file an affidavit for their production numbers that meets NAFIC standards. 

Please note that NAFIC provides KAPLAN Financial Education Total CE package and there are some states that charge  additional filing fees, usually less than $2, that they request the agent pays.  

 PO Box 608, Buffalo, MN 55313   | 763-265-3311  |  Contact NAFIC